

(Down under the english version)

Mia nonna era pugliese.. e le "Orecchiette con le cime di rapa" sono il piatto tradizionale per eccellenza!

Quando la rivista Crudo Style ci ha chiesto di ideare un menu' per loro 100% raw ho avuto voglia di ricordare le mie origini e la cucina di mia nonna, rielaborando piatti pugliesi, in versione raw vegan.

Questo è uno dei piatti!

Vediamo insieme come prepararlo!!

Vi servirà frullatore ed essiccatore!


INGREDIENTI per 4 persone

150 gr di grano saraceno germogliato per 24 ore (PESO DA SECCO)

25 gr di semi di lino ammollato per 4 ore (PESO DA SECCO)

200 gr di farina di grano saraceno germogliato

Sale Rosa dell’Himalaya q.b.

Acqua q.b.


120 gr di cime di rapa

2 cucchiai di olio evo pressato a freddo

1 spicchio d’aglio

Sale rosa dell’Himalaya q.b.


Frullare grano saraceno, semi di lino e sale fino ad ottenere una crema densa.

Unire a mano farina e acqua.

Impastare energicamente fino ad ottenere un panetto asciutto ma compatto.

Creare dei salami con diametro simile ad un dito.

Tagliare a tocchetti di circa 2 cm.

Premere sul tocchetto di pasta, da un angolo all’altro, facendo scorrere il coltello sull’impasto.

Sui bordi si creerà un ricciolo.

Rigirare l’orecchietta su se stessa, e, aiutandosi con la punta delle dita, creare una bombatura nella parte centrale.

Lasciar essiccare a 42°c per un paio di ore.

Nel frattempo preparare il condimento.

Tagliare le cime di rapa in pezzi non troppo grossi, condire con olio, sale e aglio tritato.

Girare bene in modo che tutte le cime siano ben condite.

Lasciare in essiccatore per 1 ora e ½ circa.

Unire orecchiette e condimento.

Lasciar essiccare tutto insieme,  ancora per  1 ora.


Un vero primo piatto pugliese!

Scoprite le altre ricette regionali della Puglia!


My grandmother was from Puglia .. and the "Orecchiette con le cime di rapa" are the traditional dish par excellence!

When Crudo Style magazine asked us to design a 100% raw menu for them, I wanted to remember my grandmother's origins and cuisine, reworking dishes from Puglia, in a raw vegan version.

This is one of the dishes!

Let's see how to prepare it together !!

You will need blender and dryer!


Ingredients for 4 people

150 g of sprouted buckwheat for 24 hours (DRY WEIGHT)

25 grams of linseed soaked for 4 hours (DRY WEIGHT)

200 grams of sprouted buckwheat flour

Himalayan Rose Salt q.b.

Water q.b.


120 gr of turnip greens

2 tablespoons of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

1 clove of garlic

Himalayan pink salt q.b.


Whisk buckwheat, flaxseed and salt to obtain a thick cream.

Mix flour and water by hand.

Knead vigorously to obtain a dry but compact dough.

Create salami with a diameter similar to a finger.

Cut into pieces of about 2 cm.

Press on the small piece of dough, from one corner to the other, sliding the knife on the dough.

A curl will be created on the edges.

Turn the orecchietta over on itself, and, using the fingertips, create a camber in the central part.

Allow to dry at 42 ° C for a couple of hours.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce.

Cut the turnip tops in not too big pieces, season with oil, salt and minced garlic.

Turn well so that all the tops are well seasoned.

Leave in the desiccator for about 1 ½ hours.

Combine orecchiette and seasoning.

Let it dry all together, for another 1 hour.

To serve.

A true Apulian first course!

Discover the other regional recipes of Puglia!My grandmother was from Puglia .. I have many memories related to traditional recipes ..

When Crudo Style magazine asked us to design a 100% raw menu for them I wanted to remember my grandmother's origins and cuisine, reworking dishes from Puglia, in a raw vegan version.

This is one of the dishes!

Let's see how to prepare it together !!

You will need blender and dryer!


INGREDIENTS for 4 friselle

50 g of sprouted buckwheat for 24 hours (DRY WEIGHT)

20 grams of linseed soaked for 4 hours (DRY WEIGHT)

200 grams of sprouted buckwheat flour

50 grams of cashew nuts soaked for 8 hours (DRY WEIGHT)

50 g of carrot pulp (dry part obtained from the extractor)

1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 tablespoon of carob powder

Himalayan Rose Salt q.b.


8 cherry tomatoes

8 yellow tomatoes

4 black olives

4 green olives

Oregano q.b.

Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil q.b.

Himalayan pink salt q.b.


Whisk buckwheat, flax seeds, cashew nuts and salt until a smooth and thick cream is obtained.

Stir in flour, turmeric, carob and carrot pulp by hand.

Form 2 balls. Crush them and create a central hole.

Cut them horizontally, thus obtaining 2 equal parts.

With the fingertips make the surface uneven (from the side of the cut).

Allow to dry for 2-3 hours at 42 ° c.

Garnish with cherry tomatoes, oregano, olives and a drizzle of oil.

A real tasty, crunchy Italian appetizer combined with the juiciness and freshness of cherry tomatoes!

Discover the other Apulian recipes!

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