Vellutata di spinaci

Vellutata di spinaci

(Down under the english version)

Una crema vellutata perfetta per l'inverno da consumare tiepida.

Vediamo come si fa!

Vi servirà un frullatore ad alta potenza!

Iniziamo dalla lista degli ingredienti necessari :


Ingredienti per 2:

– 120 gr. di spinaci (200 gr se usate le noci)

– 1 avocado maturo (oppure 60 gr di noci)

– 1 spicchio d’aglio

– Il succo di un limone piccolo

– Acqua q.b. in base alla consistenza che volete ottenere

– pepe nero

– sale rosa dell’Himalaya q.b. (a piacimento)



– Frullate tutti gli ingredienti di cui sopra.

- Se volete potete scaldarla a bagno maria controllando che la temperatura non superi i 42 gradi

– Impiattate.

– Guarnire con una spolverata di pepe nero


Per guarnire potete anche sminuzzare un po’ di cipollotto fresco sulla vellutata o della granella di noci!




YA velvety cream perfect for winter to consume warm.

Let's see how it's done!

You will need a high-powered blender!

Let's start with the list of necessary ingredients:


Ingredients for 2:

- 120 gr. of spinach (200 gr if you use walnuts)

- 1 ripe avocado (or 60 g walnuts)

- 1 clove of garlic

- The juice of a small lemon

- Water q.b. based on the consistency you want to get

- black pepper

- pink salt from the Himalayas q.b. (at will)


Let's begin:

- Blend all the ingredients mentioned above.

- If you want you can heat it in a water bath, checking that the temperature does not exceed 42 degrees

- Serve.

- Garnish with a sprinkling of black pepper


To garnish you can also chop some fresh onion on velvety or chopped nuts!


 Enjoy !!!ou will need a high-powered blender!

Let's start with the list of necessary ingredients:


Ingredients for 2:

- 120 gr. of spinach (200 gr if you use walnuts)

- 1 ripe avocado (or 60 g walnuts)

- 1 clove of garlic

- The juice of a small lemon

- Water q.b. based on the consistency you want to get

- black pepper

- pink salt from the Himalayas q.b. (at will)


Let's begin:

- Blend all the ingredients mentioned above.

- Serve

- Garnish with a sprinkling of black pepper


To garnish you can also chop some fresh onion on velvety or chopped nuts!


 Enjoy !!!

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